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  • miquelcc12

Cooperative Learning - Let's Work Together!

Active learning, as mentioned in other entries, implies the implication of all the students in the learning process, and this is impossible if we go through the traditional method of students listening to the teacher and barely participating. Therefore, it is important that they work together, and this is where cooperative learning comes up.

The main aim of cooperative learning is to promote team work, so that students can learn from each other and with each other. Of course, not all students have the same abilities and needs, but each one is different, although they can be classified in different ways, such as according to their needs, their level, or their personalities; if we just group them randomly or let them choose their colleagues, we risk a disproportioned classification, but if we recognise the profile of each student, we can create groups with different profiles so that they are effectively helpful to one another. This way, all students have something to do, and therefore all of them participate and develop their social skills.

In my opinion, cooperative learning is a necessary approach to any kind of teaching: it is crucial for a human being to learn how to live and behave within a society, respecting all differences and understanding that each of us has something special and has an ability. As Albert Einstein said, we cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree!

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