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  • miquelcc12

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Project-based learning is an active learning methodology. We still haven't mentioned this concept in this blog, so let's devote some lines to talk about it. Active learning consists of a great involvement of the students in the learning process: its intention is to break with the traditional way of teaching, that is, the teacher regarded as the main source of knowledge and the main figure of authority, and students being passive subjects which listen and memorise what the teacher says; active learning, on the other hand, considers students as the center of the class, as active agents which do contribute to learning, and the teacher is a guide. There are several active learning methodologies, such as gamification, flipped classroom, and cooperative learning; one of these methodologies is project-based learning, which is what this blog entry is about.

A project consists of a continuous process of investigation and development of a topic. The idea of a project is transversal learning: not only do students learn about the topic of the subject (English, in this case), but also about other areas, such as history, philosophy, or social sciences. A project can be focused on any topic, and may last for one month, one semester, or even the whole course.

For example, my proposal in Task 2 consists of the invention of some stories concerning social inequalities, each of them based on a non-normative community, such as immigrants, LGBTI people, or any person which is not a white, cisgender, heterosexual man. By doing some research on the topic and having interviews with people belonging to these communities, they learn how these people grow up and live, at the same time they practise language. Therefore, project-based learning helps us learn English and become better persons at the same time. Isn't it wonderful?

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